Wednesday, January 2, 2013

TBT: Day 1

The boring stuff

Sleep: 9.5 hours.  I slept in.

Food:  Peanut butter and whole wheat bread for breakfast
mushrooms and spinach, mandarin oranges, and a kashi granola bar for lunch
muscle milk and kashi granola bar after practice for dinner
water, milk and ice tea to drink

Workout: Nona practice!  I did my 50 laps kindof slow, but I held my form pretty well for it.  Bounced my head on the ground, and strangely I feel it most in my neck.

The fun stuff

(And by fun I mean it took me 5 minutes of "relax, don't suck it in, just be" to take even one of these photos.  This here is the very example of bravery.)

Waist: 41 in
Hips: 50 in
Bust: 46 in

General notes: I don't think I ate enough today, cause I was noticeably hungry before practice.  Now I'm about ready to crash, and normally I'm not tired till close to midnight.  But hey, I went grocery shopping and now have a fridge full of fresh veggies to make wonderful things out of.

I think I'll do photos and measurements every 30 days (so Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 2) to have a few more data points to how this is going.  And I will NOT step on a scale.  Screw that infernal contraption.


  1. I agree--it doesn't sound like you ate enough. Sometimes I'll have a smoothie before practice. ;)

  2. woohoo! scariest part is over :)
